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Name : Dr N V Madhuri
Education : MA (Sociology), MA (Social Anthropology) PhD (Sociology)
Experience : 17 Years of experience in Training, Teaching and Research
Email : nvmadhuri.nird[at]
Phone : (+91) 040-24008488
Mobile : 9441406067

Areas of Specialisation

Promotion of Micro-Enterprises and Entrepreneurship Development; Rural Women Based Livelihoods; SHG as a strategy for Rural Development ; Gender Mainstreaming in Rural Development; Gender Budgeting

Professional Affiliation

  • Indian Sociological Association

Publications/articles/cases/reviews (Numbers)

Publications/ Articles/ Cases/ Reviews (Numbers) - 30


Current research

  1. Livelihood promotion through community based organisations: A study across six States

  2. A case study of successful livelihood interventions among Chenchus

  3. Multi-Sector Nutrition Capacity Building Initiative ‘Sangam’- sponsored by UNICEF


Workshops / Conferences attended

National - 46

International - 8

Trainings Conducted

95 Training Programmes conducted so far in various aspects of rural development

Invited Talks / Presentations

Honours / Awards:


Last Update :